What a winter! Here in greater Boston (Reading, MA) we are just emerging from a winter of record-setting snowfall. In fact, there is
still a small patch of old snow stuck in the very back of my yard! We have longed for, yearned for
SPRING! Other signs of spring...our seniors are making firm plans about next year. Many know which college they are attending and why. Our freshman, sophomores and juniors have completed their course selections for next year here at RMHS.
Me? I'm still very much entrenched in teaching this year's curricula with an eye to improvements for next year. Students, I would appreciate it if you would please read these questions, reflecta minute or two, and comment back to this blog. Let's hear what you have to say...
Question 1: What topic in math this year surprised you? Did it surprise you b/c you ended up liking it alot, or did it surprise you b/c it was hard and now you know it? Think...what surprised you and why? Question 2: Whether in math or anything else in your school life, what will you you do differently next year? Why? What changes will you make? Students, you are great to have in class. We're entering 4th quarter with a great deal to proud of. Let's keep on, keepin' on!
This is Jared Doran from your E block geometry class. I would have to say the subject in which I was the most suprised with was by far Logic. It took a turn from the actual math related topics we learned and it made us think more. It showed us how to look at a situation with new perspectives and to look at all of the possibilities for an outcome. At first, this topic was a nightmare for me but through close observations I came out understanding most of it. Next year, I want to continue my dedicated school work but I also would enjoy joining something outside of school (job/clubs/etc.)
Jacki Saunders:
1.) One math thing that surprised me this year was that I really enjoyed trig. At first I was confused but then i really started to get it. The problems were interesting and I can see how to use them in the real world.
2.) Next year, i think I will make study guides more. They seem to organize my thoughts and they helped a lot on Mid terms.
This is Caitlin C. from block E.
1. A topic that surprised me is proofs. In the beginning of the year I thought they were hard, but now I don't.
2. Next year I will try to stay better organized to make things easier.
This is Patrick L. from your Block C class.
1. I was surprised by the logic topic because I had never seen truth tables before, but now that I know how to do them, I still wonder how they are useful in the real world.
2. In the future, including Honors Precalculus next year, I will improve my time management and study skills to get things done more efficiently and improve my grade.
Neel A. from your E. block class
1) One topic that really surprised me this year was proofs in general because they were really hard at first and i did not get them at all, but now i hope and think i am a little bit better at them.
2) One thing i will do differently next year is to definatly make more time to study for tests and try to make better study habitts then the ones i have now.
This is Catherine H. from your C block class.
1. This year I was surprised at how much I enjoyed doing trig. At first, I thought trig would be very difficult and it was something I didn't think I could do. However, once we learned it, it became really easy and I thought it was fun to do.
2. Next year, I will work harder to keep my things organized and neat to help me be able to learn more easily. Also, I will try to study more in my classes.
This is Craig Hildreth from Block E
1. The topic that surprised me the most this year was trigonometry. At first, I just saw a bunch of ratios and functions that I didn't get at all, but over time I picked it up, and though it is more time consuming than other subjects, the calculations themselves are easy.
2. I would like to participate more in school-related and out-of-school extracurricular activities.
Grace Stroman from C Block:
One of the topics that really surprised me in math this year was trigonometry. When we first started the topic, I didn't expect that it would change my mathematical view of the world. I learned so much and was able apply it to real world situations, which is the best. Trig fascinated me and made me want to take it a step further in Algebra 2. I had no idea how useful trigonometry would be.
If I were to do things differently next year, I would participate in more after school activities. In the beginning of the year I started out strong, but as the year went on I found out what I was passionate about. Next year I would join the Art and Environmental Club and stick with them throughout the year.
This is Ryan H from E block. I was very surprised by our logic topic because I had never seen anything like it in math before. Next year, in math, I will try to study more for the tests and be more organized with my binder and notes.
This is Dave M. from your block E class.
This year in math I would ahve to say the topic that surprised me most would have to be logic because I never even knew anything like it existed and at the beginning of the unit I did not see much significance in it but eventually I started to understand it more and more and it just became more interesting and easier for me to learn.
Next year, I am planning to do more than is required in and outisde of school. Although I was satisfied with my grades this year I know that if I begin to study for tests I can do even better and improve everything in and out of school.
This is Dave M. from your block E class.
This year in math I would ahve to say the topic that surprised me most would have to be logic because I never even knew anything like it existed and at the beginning of the unit I did not see much significance in it but eventually I started to understand it more and more and it just became more interesting and easier for me to learn.
Next year, I am planning to do more than is required in and outisde of school. Although I was satisfied with my grades this year I know that if I begin to study for tests I can do even better and improve everything in and out of school.
This is Dave M. from your block E class.
This year in math I would ahve to say the topic that surprised me most would have to be logic because I never even knew anything like it existed and at the beginning of the unit I did not see much significance in it but eventually I started to understand it more and more and it just became more interesting and easier for me to learn.
Next year, I am planning to do more than is required in and outisde of school. Although I was satisfied with my grades this year I know that if I begin to study for tests I can do even better and improve everything in and out of school.
This is Jared Doran from your E block class. I agree with many that proofs were one thing that struck me as a surprise. I assumed, when going into geometry, that all we would be doing is primarily working on shapes (finding their areas, perimeters, SA's, etc) But now that we have gone through most of the year, I can see geometry provided us with a logical way of thinking through situations; both in and outside of the class.
This is Craig H from Block E
I agree with Neel that the proofs were surprising. At first, I had no idea what to do for them, but then after a while I learned that if you know the laws, then they're pretty easy.
This is Patrick L. from your Block C class. I agree with Jared that logic surprised me the most. I also thought it required some thought. I also had some difficulty with it at first. It is almost imperative to communicate very clearly in communication, and the same goes for math, if you want someone to understand your work. Both involve neatness and organization.
This is Elizabeth from A Block. The topic that surprised me the most from math this year, was trigonometry because of how easy it was. When we first began taking notes on trig, I was really confused and did not understand the concept of it. I was even confused when we had to do problems out of the textbook for homework that night. I thought that I would really struggle with this topic, but after lots of practice this topic became really easy and even fun to do.
One thing I will do better next year in all my classes is I will take really good notes. Notes are extremely important and useful. I will use highlighters to make my notes come alive and write neatly so that when I go back to study from them, I will be able to read them.
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