As a math teacher I am often asking students to be more accurate, draw figures carefully with a ruler, re-do problems done incorrectly...and on. Why? Why does quality matter so much?
Why is it so important to be precise? Not only in calculations but also in writing in math class? Why do the definitions matter? Why does the exact wording and meaning matter?
Please leave a comment in answering these questions. Think about it first and then tell me what you think.
This is Jared Doran from your E block geometry class. To begin, being precise is a skill we all need to know. If one is not precise with their work, there really is no point in doing the work at all. Most situations require one to work for a solution(s) that (is/are) rather specific. Working up to your solution requires that you stay on course with your work and that everything is precise along the way. If you do not stay precise along the way then your solution will begin to slowly stray away from the correct solution. The definitions and exact wordings are also important because if somebody does not use the exact definitions/wording then the thing in which they are attempting to describe may mean something else to somebody else. We all need to be precise and exact with our work so that when we leave high school we have successfully used a skill that we will use for the rest of our lives to push ourselves forward.
This is Catherine H. from your C block class. It is important to be precise and accurate with everything we do in school because it is important that we learn these skills to use throughout our lives. In math class, it is necessary to be precise when working on a problem if you want to get an accurate and correct answer and decrease your chance of being incorrect. Also, we need to be able to use precision to allow us to communicate with others. If we do not use exact definitions, and make sure that we are clear in the work that we do, we will not be able to explain ourselves to others and work with other people.
This is Gabrielle X. from A Block Geometry. As many students soon find out, quality is very important. Many of us rush through our work only to discover that everything we did was entirely wrong. It would have been equally as bad if we just didn’t do the assignment… nothing was learned or gained except for a few meager minutes. Also, doing quality, precise work is like a habit; if you are accustomed to doing a sloppy job on the homework, you’ll probably do a sloppy job on the assessment. As for definitions and clear meaning, these are essential in good communication. How can you convey your thoughts to others and vise versa if you don’t know what they’re saying? These skills apply not only to math class but also to the outside world.
This is Jackie L from B block. I read this and it interested me. In the beginning of the year I didn't do too well. My work wasn't great and I didn't add enough detail. Now I realize adding more, shows your knowledge of the concept. Like on the test we just took, we got extra points if you added that the altitudes were the same, because the bases are parallel in all trapezoids. Quality isn't all about math either. If you are precise with your answers, it shows how you put in the extra effort and try hard for your grades.
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